Danger Rangers

Home » Danger Rangers
danger rangers

10,688 of the most well-trained rangers around the world have teamed up in the Metaverse for one common goal: To save endangered species. Blessed with the ability to yield crypto assets, the Danger Rangers are seeking safe harbor on the Ethereum blockchain before it’s too late.

Nearing extinction, this group of virtual travelers is depending on humanity to provide support and recognition to help return them to their former status in the circle of life.

Each genesis Danger Ranger NFT will help save endangered species at a higher rate than any other NFT project. They will also be packed with utility as unique playable characters in our upcoming P2E PvP games, Q3 in the expanding Metaverse!

Drop date: Presale January 23rd / Public 24th

Supply: 10688

Mint price: 0.06 ETH

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