Hello Dziners! It’s finally here, the official drop announcement! A lot of the information on the drop could be found in the initial drop announcement we released on Reddit when we went public, but I will repost some of that information here with the important added updates.

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Grab your Decentrazinesa NFT here
The time and date will be announced soon. At that time of drop, there will be 9980 zines available for purchase at a price of .03 Eth each. The other 20 zines are promos (which do not include the same rarity pieces as the main drop) and giveaways from pre-drop (just randomized zines).
10% of all proceeds from all Decentrazine Project collections (including further releases) will go towards supporting art classrooms and programs at the grassroots level and we’ll be talking a lot more about that on our Twitter in the coming weeks. These donations will be made straight to teachers, schools and programs to help bolster art education in future generations!
The goal of the Decentrazine project can be most easily broken down into four major values:
#1: Search out and expand the reach of promising non-traditional artists, allowing them access to a group of avid and enthusiastic buyers from around the world. Anyone in any realm knows the struggle of being or knowing an extremely talented person and just not being able to get the word out to the world.
#2: Provide an exclusive marketplace for fans of non-traditional art to get early looks at emerging artists and acquire their early pieces. In the upcoming years, there will be thousands upon thousands of artists releasing pieces via a variety of mediums in the NFT world. It can already be hard enough to keep up with the multitude of daily drops and often impossible to find what you are really looking for.
The Decentrazine Project’s aim is to not only create a place where you can easily find the type of art that you enjoy but to also make sure that that art is easy to access and exclusive to you and others like you. We expect to host a wide variety of different styles of both art and dispersion. Everything from hand-crafted 1/1s to ten thousand count generative projects and everything in between.
#3: Create a symbiotic environment for large groups of both investors and artists, allowing them to fuse their interests and create opportunities for mutual benefit. There is nothing that so truly says “Art” as allowing a passionate patron to support an artist through exposure and marketplace validity while also allowing the artist to reward that patron for their faith with exclusive perks and additional pieces. That is at the heart of The Decentrazine Project. To allow a collector to raise the value of an artist through their faith and to have that artist be able to thank the collectors with exclusive content or additional market flow.
#4: Continue the proud non-traditional art philosophy of freedom for creators. Tailoring each release to its specific creator, their style, and their wants and needs. Too often in the arena of art, music, television and film we see artists constrained by being forced into company-sided contracts in return for exposure, often tying them up for years or stifling some of their best work.
At The Decentrazine Project, it is our foremost promise that we will never have long-term contracts or further obligations. Artists work with us entirely at their own discretion and according to the rules that they themselves set in regards to the release and distribution of their work. Ownership of all art will be between creators and buyers, with Decentrazines keeping no rights or ownership of anything that passes through our doors unless specified by the artist themselves.
#5: Support young artists and art programs around the world. 10% of all sales from Decentrazines will go towards supporting teachers and programs related to the arts at the grassroots level. After the first drop we will take applications from teachers, schools, and programs looking for additional funding and donate at the ground level, helping students in need to continue their education in the arts.
Those are the tenets by which we created the project. Creating something that elevated every part of the chain was the foremost intent for us and I think we’ve achieved it with this project. We hope to see you for the drop, when details are announced in the near future.

Along the way we have some giveaways that any Dziner who purchases a Decentrazine will be entered automatically to win:
of all buyers will receive a shirt with one of their Decentrazines of their choice on it.
of all buyers will receive a hoodie with one of their Decentrazines of their choice on it.
of all buyers will receive a framed copy of one of their Decentrazines of their choice.
of all buyers will receive their choice of a shirt, hoodie, or framed copy, signed by the artist of Dencentrazine’s first drop traits.
Decentrazines Roadmap
At 25% sold, we will take 5% of sales and add it to an Ethereum liquidity pool that Decentrazine owners will then vote on how to utilize.
At 50% sold, we will add 10% of total sales to the Ethereum liquidity pool. Additionally, we’ll guarantee a limited airdrop from our 2nd featured artist.
At 75% sold, we’ll add 15% of total sales to the Ethereum liquidity pool.
At 100% sold, we will expand the airdrop from our second artist and put 20% of total sales into the ethereum liquidity pool. A 100% Sellout will also initiate The Clash.
Our Thoughts On The Decentrazines NFT Drop
This is certainly a very original concept in the NFT space currently and could very much be worth being a part of on drop day, it goes beyond the typical 10,000 animal collections which have begun to flood the market in the NFT space.